Spider-Man: Homecoming is a ticket redemption arcade game that was released in 2017, along with the movie. It came out exclusively to Dave and Buster’s.
It is a game that tests your “spidey sense” as you need to have quick timing to press the button at the right moment to avoid obstacles and enemies. At the end of the game you will face off against Vulture. In order to win the most tickets, you will need to defeat him.
This strategy guide will provide tips and tricks so that you can beat Vulture and win the big jackpot.

Know When the Game Will “Allow” You to Win a Jackpot
This is the most important trick in this strategy guide. If you know the best time to play, then you can win the jackpot every time.
Like most arcade games, Spider-Man: Homecoming has a rigged payout system. It will only “allow” a 500 ticket jackpot if there has been enough money paid into the arcade game.
If enough money has been put into the machine (determined by the settings that the arcade location has it set at) then you can win the jackpot if you are skilled enough.
But, if not enough money has been put in, then it will literally be impossible to win the jackpot. The game will make you lose before you can beat the Vulture. It does this by making it impossible to press the button fast enough at the very end of the game, during the Vulture fight.
Spider-Man: Homecoming at Dave and Buster’s has a setting called “Average Games to Bonus”. By default, this is set to 200 games. So it will take about 200 games of people paying and losing until it is ready to allow another jackpot.
You can see how it is vital to know when the Spider-Man arcade game is going to let you win or not, especially if your goal is to win tons of tickets.
The trick is to look at how many tickets you have after the last spidey sense section on the rooftop, right before you start punching Vulture. This will determine if the game will let you win or not.
If you have 80 tickets or less, you should be able to easily beat the Vulture and win the 500 tickets. It will still take quick button presses but it is doable to win even if it is your first time playing (though, you can have a better chance of winning if you follow the additional tips listed below).
If you have 88 tickets at this last part, it will be a 50-50 whether the game will let you win or not.
If you have more than 88 tickets, the game will not let you beat the Vulture and you will not get the 500 tickets. If you see this then you might as well play through as best you can because you will still get around 130 tickets for playing through the fight until you lose.
The only way to see if the game will let you win is to play it yourself until you get to the last part or you can watch someone else play and see what their ticket amount is.
Another tip is to stop playing after you just won the jackpot. Because of the payout system, it will not allow another jackpot until another 200 games are played. Come back another day to check if it is ready to give you the jackpot.
Play Both Sides to Get Two Jackpots at the Same Time
This tip is especially useful if you know for sure that the Spider-Man machine you are going to be playing on is ready to give a jackpot. Again, you can check either by playing once yourself or watching someone else play and looking for that ticket amount of 80 or less before the Vulture fight.
If the game is ready to payout the jackpot, then it is ready for both 1P and 2P. Play with a skilled friend or you can play both the 1P and 2P buttons yourself. You’ll win 500 tickets for each side, so 1000 tickets total, if you beat Vulture this way.
It may be a little more difficult to play both buttons at the same time, but with enough practice you should still be getting the jackpot no problem.
It may even be a smart strategy to play on one side first to test if the jackpot is ready. If you find out it’s ready, lose on purpose. Then you can play again with two swipes instead of one to win 1000 tickets. Only do this if you are confident in your skills.
Check out this video from MewtwoStruckBack. He explains how to win and showcases the double jackpot. This video can also be helpful for you to watch to learn the patterns and know what you have to do exactly before you start playing yourself.
Practice the Timing and Hitting the Button Quickly
Spider-Man: Homecoming is an arcade game that takes skill to win, as long as the game is ready to let you win the jackpot. It is important to practice so that you can consistently win to take advantage of the game being in easy mode.
It won’t take a long time to figure out the timing in this game. It is pretty simple. Just hit the button when you see the spidey sense on screen. It gives you a decent amount of time to react to it. It might take a few times of playing to be able to perfect this first section of the game.
The Vulture fight is the more difficult section. You need to press the button as quickly as you can. If you don’t press it fast enough you will lose.
To help during this part, use two hands to alternate pressing the button as fast as you can.
The Spider-Man: Homecoming machine has been known to have button failure issues, where the button does not record an input when you press on it. This happens more often during the Vulture fight when you have to press the button quickly. It can be frustrating to lose because of a technical problem like this. Using the two hand tap strategy can help bypass the button input fails as you can press it fast enough that even when it doesn’t record an input or two you will still press it fast enough that you can win.
I like to tell players who want to know all they can about a certain arcade game to look at that game’s manual. The Spider-Man: Homecoming manual is not posted online, though. I will be sure to update this post if/when the manual gets posted publicly.
Spider-Man: Homecoming is a rigged arcade game, but you can take advantage of this if you know when the right time to play is. With enough practice, you can win 1000 tickets every time you play.
The last tip I can give is to play these arcade games on Half-off Wednesday at Dave and Buster’s or use coupons to save money on chips. This will allow you to play more games for less money…and hopefully let you win more tickets!
I hope you found this Spider-Man: Homecoming strategy guide helpful. If you are looking for more tips and tricks for arcade games then check out the links below:
Click here to go back to the list of best arcade games to play for tickets.