The Crossy Road arcade game is one of the simplest ticket redemption arcade games, yet it can still be extremely challenging. There is some luck involved in beating it but it mostly comes down to your skill and reaction time. Getting the high score and winning the jackpot can be made easier for you if you work hard to practice and learn these tips and tricks.

Crossy Road Arcade Game Chip Price
Crossy Road at Dave and Buster’s costs 6.8 chips.
On Wednesday it is half off so it would only be 3.4 chips.
Obviously, the cheapest time to play Crossy Road would be on Wednesday but keep in mind that it may also be the busiest time. This arcade game could be crowded as well as having an increased high score threshold to get the jackpot.
Look here for a guide on how to save money on buying chips at Dave and Buster’s.
How to Play Crossy Road
Swipe your arcade card to pay the chip price to play.
You will start out the game by picking a theme(mostly different Disney character themes). And then pick a character from that theme.
There is no difference in the characters or themes besides the esthetics of the game so my tip is to pick one that has less clutter and is easiest to see all the obstacles coming ahead of you.
The controls are very simple for the arcade game.
Just one red button to press which moves your character forward.
Crossy Road plays similarly to a modern Frogger. Move up the screen without getting hit by cars, trains, or falling into water.
You can stop and wait at a spot for a little bit but soon the bottom of the screen will catch up to you and if this happens it is game over.
The point of the game is to see how many steps or jumps you can get before getting hit by a car, train, or falling in the river.
You will usually get tickets equal to the number of steps you achieve unless you get the jackpot.
The Crossy Road jackpot is 500 tickets.
Complete Guide to Win the Jackpot on Crossy Road
There are no “hacks” for this arcade game.
You will need to practice and learn the game to get a high score in order to win tons of tickets. I’ll go over a few tips and tricks to help you get started.
Tip #1
Practice the Arcade Game for Free by Downloading the Crossy Road App.
You can play the game from the comfort of your home by downloading the Crossy Road app for your phone. This will teach you the basic mechanics without wasting money at the arcade.
There are a few differences from the phone app and the arcade version.
In the Crossy Road arcade you can only move forward, while in the app you can move forward, backward, or side to side. So practice only moving forward as much as you can in the app. It will make it harder but it will mimic the gameplay at the arcade.
The arcade version makes it easier by automatically moving your character to the left or right to avoid trees, rocks, or for jumping on lily pads.
The phone version can be fun because you can work towards unlocking new characters. In the arcade game you have all the characters to choose from the beginning.
Practice the Crossy Road phone app until you can consistently hit a score of 100 jumps.
Tip #2
Take it Slow
You have more time to sit in one spot and look ahead at the obstacles than you think. At least a few seconds.
When you are sure there is an opening ahead of you then hit the forward button as many times as it takes to get to the next safe spot. Once in the next safe spot, sit there and look ahead.
Stop right before roads with cars.
Stop right before trains cross. The red light will indicate that a train is coming. Once it passes it will not come again for a few seconds so you can go to those tracks and stop to look ahead.
Really focus before crossing water. The water sections are the most luck based and are the spots where you will most likely lose at. You can stop on lily pads and make sure to time your jumps to ride the logs so that you can try and stay in the middle of the screen. That brings me to the next tip.
Tip #3
Stay in the Middle of the Screen
You start in the middle. You cannot move left or right but your character will move automatically to the side if there is a tree or rock in your way.
Another big way of moving to the side is by riding the logs in the river. Jump on one log moving to the left and time it so that you can jump on the next log moving right to move back to the middle when you jump off.
All of the cars and trains will be coming from the side of the screen. You do not want to be close to the side because it will give you less reaction time to move out of the way.
Tip #4
Pay Attention to the High Scores to Get the Most Jackpots
A great time to play Crossy Road at the arcade is when the high score is low so that it is easier to get a jackpot.
Look for a high score to beat of around 100 or less. This is very achievable for someone who has practiced.
Once you beat the score for the jackpot, lose on purpose. Yup. I said lose on purpose. This is so that the high score to beat for the jackpot does not go up any higher and you can play the game again to get a little higher.
For example, if the high score to beat to win the jackpot is 100, jump until your score is 101. Lose on purpose and the next time you play the game the score to beat will only be a little above 101. So you can keep playing and getting jackpots until you reach a score too high for you to beat.
A score of 300 or higher is hard but can be beaten by really skilled arcade advantage players.
There are usually two separate Crossy Road machines at Dave and Buster’s and other arcades. This lets you be able to play the one with the lowest high score. It is also nice so that you can share with other players and not hog the game all to yourself.
Crossy Road Arcade Game Manual
Here is a link to the Crossy Road arcade game manual by the company, Adrenaline Amusements.
Most of the manual gives instructions on how to install, repair, or maintain the arcade game. There is a small section that is important for players to look at.
This section is on page 7 of the manual. It is the “Game Features” section.
This section is so incredibly simple. It is awesome.
Here it is:
Win a lot of tickets!
How to Play
– Tap the button to cross roads, train tracks and rivers.
– 100% Skill game.
– Challenge your friends; 2 player game play.
– Skill Bonus; beat the target score and win a bonus of 100 to 1000 tickets
That’s it!
This does tell us that the arcade management can set the jackpot payout amount anywhere from 100 to 1000 tickets. Though, I have only seen it at 500 tickets. It seems that they have the option to change it easily if the game is getting won too much or abused.
Good luck crossing roads and rivers on your way to win tons of tickets!
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