Did you ever wonder if there is any skill involved in coin pushers or if it is all just dumb luck?
While luck always plays a big role in the Wizard of Oz coin pusher, there are ways that you can play that will make it easier for you to collect all the cards so you can turn them in for tons of tickets.

Wizard of Oz Coin Pusher Full Card Set
Wizard of Oz has a 7 card set to collect. There are also 2 more cards that are not part of the set that can be turned in individually for tickets.

How many tickets can you get for redeeming the Wizard of Oz card set?
- Turning in a full set of 7 cards will get you 2500 tickets.
- The 2 non-set cards are worth 50 tickets per card.
You can also win tickets by collecting teal or red plastic chips that fall in the coin pusher. These plastic chips can be turned in for 15 tickets each.
Is there a Wizard of Oz coin pusher hack?
There are definitely no Wizard of Oz coin pusher hacks. “Hacks” makes it sound like there is a trick that allows you to win every time or without any effort.
In order to even have a slight advantage over the average player you will need to have the knowledge provided in this guide. It will still take a lot of time to practice by playing the Wizard of Oz coin pusher to get the timing right and to know what cards you want to go for.
Wizard of Oz Coin Pusher – How to Win Using These Simple Tips and Trick
Choose the most advantageous times to play.
Only play when the machine has either tons of coins stacked on the top shelf or has lots of cards near the edge of the machine.
It is also very important to know what card in the set is the rare card.
Toto is the rare card in the Wizard of Oz coin pusher set. Whenever you see this card in the machine you should choose to play until you get it to fall.

If you just play willy nilly or for extended periods of time you will waste a lot of coins/plays. You will also probably get tons of repeat cards of all the common cards.
The Toto card is so much rarer than the rest of the cards and that is how the arcade limits the number of sets that people can turn in.
It is a great strategy to go to the arcade weekly to check on the Wizard of Oz machines in order to find the elusive Toto card. If it is not there then consider not playing until you see it.
Tips for controlling where the coins drop on the Wizard of Oz coin pusher.
You can control where the coins will land on the top shelf.
It is important to aim in the correct spots depending on where you see cards or other large stacks of coins that you want to push off the edge.
If you see a card you want on the side then follow this next tip; point the shooting arm so that the coins bounce off the flat wall in the middle of the machine, but angle it to the side you want to push. Do not move the shooting arm all the way to that side, as this will cause the coins to bounce off the angled wall and end up more towards the center.
It is better to shoot the coins in a controlled manner, instead of just dumping as many coins as fast as possible.
The way to control the coins is to shoot in spurts. When the top shelf moves towards you there will be an open space on the far back of the machine where there are no coins yet. This is where you want your coins to land so that when the shelf moves back it will push those coins into the ones closer to the edge.
With this tip, you also want to keep in mind that most of the time you do not want to have coins land on top of eachother. You want them flat on the surface of the shelf in a single layer to push more coins off for less plays used.
After playing a while on the same Wizard of Oz machine you may want to create a large stack of coins on top of one another by using rapidfire for a burst but then quickly go back to timing the coins to create one layer in order to push that large stack off.
Spread the coin shots out.
Sometimes tall stacks of coins on the edge need a push from another side in order to help it fall off the shelf quicker.
If you want a stack on the far right side of the machine to fall then start with putting coins on that far side by using the first tip mentioned above. If you use 10 or so coins and you do not see much movement then aim an inch further towards the center of the coin pusher. This should help move that far right stack of coins off the edge.
Play Wizard of Oz on Wednesday at Dave and Buster’s.
All arcade games are priced at half off on Wednesday so this is the best time to play to save money.
This is also a great day to play the Wizard of Oz coin pusher if you have never played it before as you can get used to aiming the coins and figure out your own strategy to collect the cards.
But remember that the best tip for coin pushers is to choose the best time to play. Wednesday might not be a good day if the Wizard of Oz machine at your local Dave and Buster’s is busy with players taking the rare card before you get there.
Have the mindset that if the Wizard of Oz coin pusher is picked clean of all the cards close to the edge then you will just have to come back and play at another time.
Another easy way to save money playing Wizard of Oz is to use Dave and Buster’s deals, coupons, and cashback.
Wizard of Oz Coin Pusher Review
Score is out of 10, with 1 being all luck to win and 10 being all skill.
Skill Rating: 3
The most skillful part of playing the Wizard of Oz coin pusher is the coin placement. You can also control what cards you go for and when you play.
It will take a huge amount of luck to knock the coins around just right to drop these coins and cards off the edge. There is a lot that you cannot control.
Luck is also involved in what cards are in the machine or how many coins are stacked at that exact time that you go to play. For example, I have been unlucky the past couple times going to the arcade to check on the Wizard of Oz games. At that specific time there were no rare cards or large stacks of coins.
Mostly luck is needed to win enough tickets to make up for how much you spent playing Wizard of Oz. Though, that is how most arcade games operate. The arcade owners need to make money off of people playing the games so luck is going to have to be a large part of playing at the arcade. But luck is what also makes the game exciting.
Fun Rating: 5
Watching large stacks of coins drop off the edge never gets old! Searching for that next card to complete your collection is a ton of fun, while also being addicting.
I see the “regulars” who sit at these coin pushers for what seems like hours. At the very least that proves that the Wizard of Oz coin pusher grabs the attention of those players that are really into collecting and/or gambling.
The downside of playing coin pushers is that they are not very interactive. Just aim your coin and press a button. While other arcade games have rings or balls to toss at targets, which can be more exciting for people who want to show off their throwing skills.
The Wizard of Oz coin pusher is super relaxing and is a great way to pass the time at the arcade.
Find more strategy guides for coin pushers like Star Trek or SpongeBob.
If you need more tips and tricks, check out the full list of games here.