The Star Trek coin pusher at Dave and Buster’s can be super addicting. It’s fun to try and collect the full set of cards and turn them in for massive amounts of tickets.
This complete strategy guide will give you the most important information on this classic arcade coin pusher that you need to know. All the cards will be revealed, along with some simple, helpful tips to win the full set of cards.

How many cards are in the Star Trek coin pusher set and what are they?
The old set from 2016 and 2017 has 8 cards, with Tribbles being the rare one. There are regular cards and holographic cards that you can find within the coin pusher machines. You can still come across these cards if the arcade has not updated them yet.
Pictured below are all the cards from this Star Trek set.

There is another old set from 2018 that has 8 cards with Borg being the rare one of the bunch. Here it is below.

The new updated Star Trek card set (as of 2019) still has 8 cards and the rare card is Mugato. Again, there are both regular cards and holographic cards of the same Star Trek characters to collect.
Shown below is the full new Star Trek card set.

The rare card is in the bottom right corner of each of these pictures.
It seems that they change the Star Trek cards sets every year or so. This could be because it makes it harder to turn in sets of the old cards that you have gathered over the year if you can no longer find them in the Star Trek arcade machines.
How many tickets can you win for the turning in the Star Trek card set?
- Turning in a full set of 8 regular Star Trek cards will get you 2500 tickets.
- Each individual regular card will only get you 50 tickets per card.
- Turning in a full set of 8 holographic cards will get you a whopping 5000 tickets!
- Each holographic card is worth 100 tickets when turned in on its own.
You can also win tickets by collecting blue or orange chips that fall in the coin pusher. These chips can be turned in for tickets. They used to be worth 20 tickets but they are now worth 15 tickets for every blue or orange Star Trek chip.
Is there a Star Trek coin pusher hack?
There is no way to cheat the system to easily win at the Star Trek coin pusher. It will take time to practice and get used to how the coins drop and where you should aim them. It also requires knowledge of the cards and the right timing to win.
These Star Trek coin pusher tips will give you the best shot at collecting all the cards and getting the most tickets.
Star Trek Coin Pusher Tips on How to Win
Know what the Star Trek rare card is and be on the lookout for it when it is close to the edge of the coin pusher.
The most important information to know to win tickets on the Star Trek coin pusher is that Mugato is the rare card in the current set. Mugato is a yeti-looking creature.
Tribbles or Borg were the rare ones in the old sets but can still be seen in some Star Trek arcade machines.
If you play Star Trek, you will most likely get tons of repeat cards from the set other than this one rare card. You will get multiple Mirror Spocks or Klingons, but almost no Mugatos. This is how they limit the number of sets that players can finish to turn in for the large ticket value.
It is fine to play normally and for extended periods of time if you are just starting out and have no cards or if you just need to replenish your supply of common Star Trek cards. If you have a lot of common cards (which does not take long to get) then I would start to only search for the rare Mugato card.
You can do this by checking Dave and Buster’s or your local arcade weekly to see if the rare Star Trek card is in the machine or even better if it is close to the edge of the coin pusher.
If you don’t see the rare card then don’t waste your tokens or chips playing the Star Trek coin pusher that day. Come back another time to keep checking on if the Mugato card is present.
This is the most important strategy for most card collecting arcade coin pushers. The same is true for the SpongeBob coin pusher and the Despicable Me coin pusher.
Learn these tips and tricks for dropping the coins in the Star Trek coin pusher.
You control where the coins drop in the back of the machine, so use these tips to help get the coin dozer to push them where you want them.
If you want to push off cards or tokens on the side of the machine then use this tip: aim the coin shooter at the far back flat side of the wall, about an inch away from the angled wall.
Do not just push the arm all the way to the side. This will cause the coins to bounce off the angled wall and end up more towards the middle than you want if you are going for cards on the sides.
Keep the arm angled toward the side you want but bounce off the flat wall. This will be a better way to push the coins onto the far side of the machine.
Another simple tip is to spread out the shots of coins. Do not just keep the arm in one area.
A lot of times a large stack of coins on the edge needs pressure from another side to give it the oomph it needs to fall off.
If you want a stack on the far right side of the machine to fall then start with putting coins on that far side by using the first tip mentioned above. Once you use 10 or so coins and you do not see as much movement then aim an inch further towards the center of the coin pusher. This should help move that far right stack of coins off quicker and using less coins/chips.
Wait to turn in a full set. Do not turn in individual cards unless you have to.
You will get the most tickets when turning in the full sets. So wait until you have the set until you redeem them. 2500 tickets for the regular set and 5000 tickets for the holographic is a ton of tickets.
It is almost a waste to only get 50 tickets per card….but if you know for some reason that you will never play the Star Trek coin pusher again (I don’t know why you would do this) then you could turn in your remaining cards just to get the tickets that would have just gone to waste.
Play on Half Off Wednesday at Dave and Buster’s.
Obviously the best time to play is on Wednesday when the games cost half of what they normally do. You can get in twice as many attempts at collecting the cards.
But remember the tip that you want to watch for the rare card to be in the machine. Wednesdays are usually the busiest day so more people will be playing the Star Trek coin pusher.
Not only will it be hard to find an open game to play on this day, but also the people playing will most likely play until they push the rare card off or until there are no cards close to the edge.
Continue to check the arcade on days other than Wednesday to find that elusive rare card!
You can also save chips playing Star Trek by using coupons and other deals.
Star Trek Coin Pusher Review
Score is out of 10, with 1 being all luck to win and 10 being all skill.
Skill Rating: 3
While playing Star Trek there is not too much skill involved when sending the coins into the machine. You need a lot of luck for coins to stack just right, along with luck for which cards are in the coin pusher that day or close to the edge.
The strategies to help collect all the Star Trek cards mentioned above will help give you an advantage. Just remember to play at the right times, aim the coins in the best spot to push the most coins the furthest, and turn in the full set to win the most tickets.
Fun Rating: 5
The most fun part of the Star Trek coin pusher is the excitement of seeing the rare card or a card you need to complete your collection. I love that feeling of finishing the set and turning them in for tons of tickets.
Star Trek is a relatively simple arcade game. The only thing you control is the angle and when the coins drop. It does not take a lot of skill or mental energy. This can be boring to some but it can also be relaxing.
When I go to Dave and Buster’s I will see the same “regulars” sitting at the Star Trek coin pusher and they always seem super chill. It reminds me of people who play slot machines at the casino.
If you enjoyed the Star Trek coin pusher you should check out the SpongeBob coin pusher or the Despicable Me coin pusher.