Angry Birds Coin Crash can be quite confusing to know exactly how it works. There is a lot going on, with tons of blinking lights and numbers flashing. What does each color bird mean? How can you win the Super Bonus? How do you build the coin towers?
I want to provide all the important information, to not only help you understand this new coin pusher, but also give some useful tips and tricks to give you the best shot to win tickets.

How to Play
Settings can be slightly different based on arcade location. Check the Angry Birds Coin Crash manual to know what the default settings are and what can be changed.
Angry Birds Coin Crash costs 10.8 chips per swipe at Dave and Buster’s. Each swipe gives you 10 plays, or 10 coins to shoot. It costs 5.4 chips per swipe on Half-off Wednesday.
This coin pusher is more expensive to play than the average arcade game at Dave and Buster’s.
You hit the button and a coin drops from the top of the machine. An arm sweeps from left and right which aims the coin you drop in whatever direction it points.
Though, it is still hard to aim exactly where you want because there are metal stoppers that bounce your coin in random directions, kind of like plinko.
Coins drop off the shelf on the bottom like a normal coin pusher. In Angry Birds Coin Crash, only the coins that drop in the middle, “win zone”, will give you tickets. If the coins drop on either the far left or far right side, you will not get anything.
You win 2 tickets for each coin that drops in the middle win zone.
There are 7 slots that the coin can go in before it lands on the coin shelf below. Starting from the left; the 1st slot gives nothing, the 2nd is the yellow bird coin bonus, the 3rd slot adds one extra coin, the middle slot is the red bird tower bonus, the 5th slot adds an extra coin, the 6th slot is the blue bird ticket bonus, and the slot on the far right gives nothing.
See the picture below to help visualize these slots.

Let me explain what happens if you make it in one of the colored bird bonus slots.
A light wheel spins for each color bird. It will stop right when you drop a coin in its slot. The yellow bird gives extra coins, the blue bird gives tickets, the red bird gives a mix. The values are shown below.

If you get the wheel to stop at the very top, you will get to light up one slot of the tower above the bird and get even more tickets/coins.
You win 100 coins if you light up the top of the yellow bird tower.
You win 150 tickets if you light up the top of the blue bird tower.
Lighting up the red bird tower does something special; the game goes into rapid mode for 30 seconds. In this mode, you need to shoot coins as fast as you can (there are plays that you pay for). If you get a coin in any of the three colored bird slots during rapid mode, you will get a spin added to the tower builder.
Once you are done with the 30 seconds, you will spin the tower builder for however many times you scored into a colored bird slot.
The tower builder wheel has 6 slots. 5 of the slots have a number which adds coins to the coin tower that you will build.
One of the slots in the tower builder is for the egg. If you get it there, it adds an egg to the super bonus.
Get 5 eggs and you win the super bonus.

The super bonus jackpot starts at 500 tickets. It increases by 2 tickets every swipe until someone wins the bonus. If someone wins then it goes back down to 500.
I am not sure what the maximum amount that the bonus can go to. The highest I have seen is in the upper 1000 ticket range. I am sure it can get in the 2000 ticket range. It is rare to see it higher because the more people that play, the more likely they will win the super bonus, which then resets it back to 500.
The coin towers will be built after the rapid mode from the red bird bonus. They are pushed down the center of the coin shelf.
One of the most satisfying things about Angry Birds Coin Crash is watching a massive coin tower fall over the edge.
Winning large amounts of tickets on this arcade coin pusher can cost you a lot of chips. If you want to make the most out of your money and time, follow the Angry Birds strategy guide below.
How to Win: Tips and Tricks
Play Only During the “Right” Times
If you want to maximize how many tickets you can win, while also minimizing the amount of money you spend playing Angry Birds Coin Crash, it is best that you only play when the game has the highest potential for giving out the most tickets.
Don’t play that day if it is not the “right” time. Come back another day to check.
This way of “sniping” a game when it is ready is similar to the strategy used for other coin pushers. The only difference is you do not collect cards in Angry Birds Coin Crash like you do for Star Trek or SpongeBob coin pushers.
Here are the two best times to play Angry Birds Coin Crash:
- Play When The Coin Tower is Near the Edge
Each coin tower should be around 700 coins. Of course it depends on how many spins you get on the tower builder and where the ball lands. The average player should get at least 500 coins added to the coin tower.
So let’s say that you push a 700 coin tower off the edge. With each coin giving 2 tickets, you should win around 1400 tickets (maybe a little less as some coins will miss the win zone in the middle).
That is a ton of tickets. But it takes a lot of plays to build the tower up. On top of that, it will take even more plays to get the newly built tower to move all the way to the edge of the machine.
The coin towers take a deceivingly large amount of coins to push off the edge. Because they are so heavy, coins will often move to the left or right of the tower.
My advice is to only play when a tower is really close to the edge of the shelf. This will save you money and you will win the most tickets.
- Play When The Super Bonus is High or When The Eggs are Close to The Super Bonus
This strategy for Angry Birds also gives you the most amount of tickets.
The super bonus starts at 500 tickets but can go up way higher. If it is 2000 or more tickets, it may be worth it to play even when there are no eggs in the bonus yet.
In this case, you will want to go for the red bird so that you can spin the builder wheel in order to add 5 eggs to the super bonus.
Another one of the best times to play is when there are 4 out of the 5 eggs in the super bonus. Even 3 out of 5 eggs is a great time to play. With a 1 out of 6 chance for an egg on the tower builder wheel, you should get a couple eggs because it is really easy to get over 12 spins with just one rapid mode.
Your goal in this situation is to go for the red bird to get into rapid mode as soon as possible.
You should win the super bonus (at least 500 tickets) and it will not have cost as many chips as it normally would (playing from 0 eggs).
Spend Just Enough Chips to Get The Goal
Normally, you would have to spend a lot to move the tower or get the super bonus. You need to have the mindset that you will do enough plays until you get what you wanted and then stop.
Don’t be greedy to try and get more than one tower or get another super bonus. It will take a lot of money to build up enough coins or eggs to make it worth it.
Also, don’t go into it thinking that you will only play 1 swipe. You will most likely need at least 5 swipes to move the tower far enough or get enough eggs for the super bonus.
Control the Coin Drops
If you’re going for the super bonus, then you should aim the coins in the middle to try and land them into the red bird slot.
You want to push the red tower up to the top so that you get into rapid fire mode. Rapid fire mode will let you spin the tower builder wheel, which will give you a chance to get an egg. Once you get 5 eggs then you will win the super bonus ticket jackpot.
You can try to time your coin drops so that the red wheel is facing up when the coin reaches the red slot. This can be tricky as the coin can bounce on a few stoppers on the way down. With enough practice you will get used to the timing you need to send the red tower up to the top.
If you’re going for a coin tower, it is best to aim for the left side to get the coins into the yellow bird slot.
This will drop more coins onto the tray, helping push the tower towards the edge.
Like the previous tip, you can try to time the coin drop so that it reaches the yellow slot when the yellow wheel is facing up. This sends the yellow tower to the top which will give you the most bonus coins.
Practice and Play for Cheaper
It will take some time to get used to the mechanics and timing of Angry Birds Coin Crash.
This game has a tiny bit of skill involved compared to other coin pushers as you can control the angle of the coin drop and time when it will stop on the bird wheels. Use this advantage to learn the best times to drop the coin as you play.
Play on Half-off Wednesday at Dave and Buster’s to practice the game for a lot cheaper.
Also use Dave and Buster’s coupons and deals to get the most bang for your buck when playing Angry Birds at the arcade.
There is still a ton of luck involved, though. With the plinko coin drop system and the randomness of where the coins get pushed on the shelves.
Hopefully the knowledge provided here will help push that luck in your favor.
This Angry Bird coin pusher should be found at most Dave and Buster’s locations. Though, it will not be at every arcade location.
These instructions and tips should help you better understand Angry Birds Coin Crash so that, when you find it at your local arcade, you can have the best shot of winning the most tickets.
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